About Our Cleanings
Every regular cleaning includes your one (1) bathroom, kitchen, common area, and selected number of bedroom(s). You may always order more bathrooms and bedrooms cleaned. We also bring all cleaning supplies for FREE. If you misrepresent the size and/or cleanliness of your home we reserve the right to modify your pricing to include any extra costs associated with completing the clean.
Because we reserve a time especially for you, please make any schedule changes 48 hours before the day before service to avoid incurring a cancellation fee. We appreciate your understanding!
PLEASE NOTE: A hold will be placed on your account in the amount of your total balance the evening PRIOR to your scheduled cleaning service. If your service is canceled for any reason, this hold will drop off within 2-5 days. THIS HOLD IS NOT A CHARGE. Charging is completed the day of your appointment and you will receive an invoice via email once this occurs.